Monday 7th June
So the name of the game this week is Speed - Speed foods! As I was off plan all weekend due to going away I need to try to boost my weightloss or excercise damage limitation - this week a maintain will be fat but anything lost I'll be thanking my lucky stars. Again this weight loss journey is throwing out so many positives compared to previous attempts and I'm luving it! Strawberries, melon and baked beans are on the menu, deffinatly can't over dose on those!
Today was a busy day and I deliberately made it so - idle hands an all that lead to eating things I should n't. Loads of ironing which I could just about manage with my back, that kept me busy till it was time to get Haydar to nursery, followed by a quick supermark visit to get a few things. How come when I take a small trolley and only have 3 or 4 items to get, that I see so many special offers that my trolley is over flowing and I end up having to get a normal trolley in the end. Yoghurs were on special offer today so my fridge is now crammed pack with them lol
I'd like to think that I will no longer be 'fat' at 40 so that gives me about 3 and a half years to get this body less than half the weight it used to be - I think that is a realistic target, no presure ect. I've worked out that if I utilies the full time availible then I have to lose 1 and 1/2 pounds between now and then - hell I can do that but at least I can see that I have something to aim for and bench mark for how much I have to lose each week - obviously I'll have good and bad weeks but there is plenty of time to pull back on the bad weeks if they scheme to keep me off plan!
On that note I'm off to much on melon and strawberries, not feeling it as much as I would a big piece of choclate cake but its as good as its going to get xxx
Tuesday 8th June
Go Alia Go Alia!! Did n't want to eat too much today after having a diet free weekend and I kept myself busy all day long and it really works.
I went back to Minimins today - I've missed being there too be honest but I feel so much more supported there and love reading every ones posts and advice and so on. I used to go there before when I just had my bypass and it may have been me and being over sensitive but the members there always seemed so clicky and I did n't feel like one of the 'in' crowd - so far on the Slimming World Forum every one seems really warm and welcoming. Time will tell but I think its far better than being on Facebook all of the time.
Anyways I might get round to posting a bit more about today in the morning when I can't actually see what I'm typing cause right now I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and think that's a good place to stop
Wednesday 9th June
I think I really should give my self a gold star - yet another 100% day, I'm getting used to this being good all the time so I'm going to keep it up fingers crossed.
Ok how come every time I stand on the scales at Boots I'm a different height, and I dont just mean a few centimetres. Some times when I weight there I'm 5 ft 8, sometimes I'm 5ft 7 but today really beats them all, today I was 5ft 5 , I mean what the hell. Appreciate that height could vary by a couple of centre metres but 3 inches? Short of cutting my feet off I fail to understand how that can happen - of course my bmi increases when my height is lower - I'm sure there is a little man sat inside the machine who chooses your weight and height when you weigh on the scales there cause my weight is all over the place when I do - I guess the simple solution is not to weigh on the boots scales and just stick to slimming world!
Kept really busy today, need to keep focused or I'll be eating too much and many of the wrong things. Did more ironing, washing and all the normal housework that I do every day.
My back is still killing me, I hope it gets better soon cause its so painful and it is limiting the things that I need to do - time is a healer as we know but I'm rather not have to wait a long time lol.
Thursday 10th June
Weigh day today and 2lb off for me which I was really pleased about as I had the weekend off, infact I'd have been happy with a maintain this week.
I've been eating lots of super speed food this week, melon, pineapple and so on so I'm hoping that, that combined with my vibrating machine, that I have n't had chance to use that much due to my self inflicted injury. It's agony, and does n't seem to be getting any better.
I want to start walking, won't be able to do that far initially but I'll just increase it as time goes by, every little step counts and just walking is an achievment in its self.
I've lost 40.5 pounds (56 from my highest weight) since I started my new lifestyle. To be honest I really can't tell the difference that much, I think my clothes are feeling a little loser but nothing major - that's one of the many side effects of being 17+ stone overweigh. I've stepped up my commitment to the eating plan now and I'm determined to get this weight off no matter how long it takes xxx
Friday 11th June
I'm so bloody focused right now that I'm scared of myself haha, don't recognise this new improved Alia!! Today was another 100% day, infact more like 150%. If I'm honest today I was so busy that I did n't even have the chance to focus on food which is new to me as previously my whole life focused around food. Thinking back to 2 years when my youngest twins were still in primary school and I would have to drive them every day, I used to stop at the Tesco Express near my house and spend easily £15 on crap to eat during the day. It was a well thought out routine as I would get up at 5.30 am to make sure that all my house work was done, the house would be shining from top to bottom, washing would be hung out on the line and so on before I took the kids to school so that when I got home I could sit with my huge pile of magazines and my stack of 'crap' to eat and that would be me set for the day till it was time to get the kids from school. Thats pretty sad looking back and in all honesty, yes I'm the size of a mini cooper (make sure its a black one plz, love them in black, they just look so cute)although I doubt I'd even manage to get in a mini copper, I'm lucky that I'm not the size of a mini bus, never mind mini cooper. Those days were pre 2nd weightloss surgery and looking back it actually makes me sick thinking of the calories and fat content I would consume during the day. I probably kept Tesco in business during the credit crunch! Geez I'm remembering all the shameful things I used to do before my surgery - hubby blames me for the 15+ kgs he's gained since we got married and if I'm honest it probably is, to a certain extent my fault as he started to copy some of my really bad habits like watching tv in bed and munching away as we chilled out - full fat coke, cheese balls, rowntrees fruit pastille ice lollies, bars and bars of galaxy chocolate and I daren't even admit how many apple flavoured Muller Rice! I'm bearing my soul here cause I'm spilling my most private food habits here. Anything that I did n't eat before sleeping would get eaten in the middle of the night. I may not have force fed this junk to hubby but these awful habits were deffinately learnt from me! Still, that is in the past and now, if we do want to munch in bed its on speed foods like strawberries, cherries, melon and so on, 100% turn around :)
Right its 5am and I really should n't be typing this now but I was up doing housework and thought while every one else was giving it ZZZzzzZZZZ I'd take advantage of the quiet time and do the entry for today. Good night or Good morning to you all xxxx
Not that I sing my own praises too much but oh yeahhhhhh oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh (does n't quite have the same affect on screen as it does while I'm singing it as I type) I reached one of my targets today which was to be able to weigh on my scales at home. Till now I was too heavy for them but today I just crept under the maximum weight and NO I'm not telling you what that is :p I did get really excited though and felt so dam pleased with myself - of course the down side to this is that every time I go in the bathroom I will be weighing myself - might get hubby to hide them and let me go on them a couple of times a week instead of every two minutes - Does it really make any difference to weight if you go for a long wee then weigh, I might test that out lol Sad yes I know but interesting all the same.
Saturday 12th June
I know in life we should be modest and not big ourselves up too much but I'm bloody fantastic!!! We had a family day out today, that in its self is really stressful and I'd bue usually heading for the chocolate box! Getting 5 kids organised and ready to go out along with all the stuff that we need to take with us is really a very stressful thing lol - Hubby decided that we were going to have a family day out to blackpool along with his brother, his brothers wife and his uncle. Any one with teenagers will know the kind of reaction they would get if they tell them that they are coming with us to Blackpool and were then told 'NO WE ARE NOT GOING ON THE PLEASURE BEACH SO DON'T EVEN ASK AND NO YOU ARE NOT GOING ON THE ARCADES SO DON'T EVEN ASK'. I dont think many teenagers relish the idea of just sitting on the beach, chatting, watching the little ones place and then having fish and chips and 2 of my teenagers really weren't impressed so I was ready to comit murder before we had even left - I'm sure my fellow SW members will identify with the issues that stress can cause so I'm patting myself on the back that I had n't packed all the kids into the car then gone back into the house, sat in the fridge and devoured an entire chocolate trifle!!
I made sure that I packed a few nice treats for me and that they all either were within my syns allowance (15) or part of my healthy extra choices or free food so there was lots of fruit, a bag of mini ryvetas, a pack of snack a jacks and a couple of kelloggs fibre extra bars and lots of pepsi max. I sat there on the beach, while every one else devoured huge portions of fish and chips, with my little pot of baked beans! Can you believe that they were the only thing on the menu that did nt have the same amount of syns as a huge chocolate gateaux! I did n't even taste a chip, not one bloody chip!! I must admit though I was starving hungry on the journey home and could n't get my mash and beans down me fast enough.
I have a complaint!! Not quite sure who I am complaining too but it's my right to have a whinge so that's what I'm doing. I've lost nearly 3 stone! That is alot of weight although I know in the bigger picture its not even breaking the surface. So how come my tummy looks bigger to me??? Hubby seems to think he has the explanation. He says its cause I've lost weight from there and the skin has stayed the same size so it's looser which in turn makes it look bigger!! How bloody unfair is that ?? Does that then mean once I've got to target (notice I said once, not if)my stomache is going to drag along the bloody floor???? I've got visions of me having to roll it up and put it into my knickers when I'm getting dressed, oh my what a bloody vision that is. Seriously though, I'm think I'm going to have to save up for plastic surgery from now cause I'm going to need it majorly! Would be a bit of a bummer if I lose all of my weight but then feel even worse cause I look even worse cause of skin hanging from all parts of my anatomy! Hmmmm I'm always one for a bargain, wonder if they do bygof offers - could take a friend along and split the price then could n't I :p.
Ooooh I nearly forgot to mention my newest purchases!! They are just fantastic!! My gok wan concrete knickers!! How fantastic are they! When I say concrete I mean concrete. They suck you in, in all areas possible. Ok so I can't breathe or sit down when I'm wearing them (sitting down causes automatic roll down syndrome) but that does n't matter, all that matters is I look like I've lost 3 stone over night. Only issue is it sucks everything in but it has to come out somewhere and I look a bit like a muffin top, no problem there either now cause I've bought a long line bra which sucks me in and meets with the gok wan pants and there you have it, a thinner, sleeker looking me. Its all good as long as I don't have to breathe, walk or sit down!! Not sure that would be a real pretty sight haha.
Right I'm off for now, having real problems foccusing LOL
Night ma luvlies xxx
Sunday 13th June
If I was one of the 7 dwarves I'd deffinately be Grumpy!! My back has been so painful today that by 5pm I surrended to it and went to bed and lay on my tummy which is the only position that does n't put any pressure on the part that's sore. I'm so needing this to hurry up and start to heal cause I'm not bloody laughing any more.
I was so good again foodwise, have n't had anything that I can't fit into the plan and had a maximum of 10 syns which is well within the allowed amount of 15. I've started to try and eat a bit more as for a few weeks I've been quite strict with myself cutting out syns and healthy extras and it does n't always lead to a good weight loss.
I'm luving my triple sandwiches - they count as only 1-2 syns depending how much mayonnaise you use. I use the WW bread which allows you to have 3 slices as one healthy extra b choice. I take the first slice of bread, spread mayonnaise thinly onto the bread and add 3 slices of quorn peppered beef slices then cucumber on top. Add the second slice of bread and again thinly sice mayonnaise on to that, add more quorn slices, as little or as many as you like, then sliced tomato, a little salt on the tomatoes then put the other slice of bread on top! A triple sandwich and its tastes so so good. I've had two of them today, using my healthy extra b choices and it really makes you full up.
I'm luving this food discovery - previously I never ate meals I just snacked on junk all day long but doing this plan has made me look at what I eat and to try new things. I'd never have actually eaten a sandwich or cooked a meal for me before but now I'm starting too, I'm starting to get interested in learning about other foods that I can eat instead of sticking to the same old which in my case is Smash and baked beans - the kids and hubby are so relieved that I'm not eating as many beans, the air in the house is a little less pungent lets say :D
I've been a bit lazy with the vibro machine - I'm not really feeling standing on that for 45 minutes while I'm nursing a very sore back but I dont think it will actually do me any more harm and lets face it, its already damaged so I doubt I can be in amy more pain than I'm in now.
I'm not talking to hubby!! We had my daughter's partners parents over for the first time today, lovely people, very polite and just what I had hoped they would be. It really put me at ease knowing that when Yasmeen goes to Glastonbury she will have his father to keep an eye on her and keep her safe and get a nice hot meal at the end of the day and a bed!! Not the true Glastonbury experience but its the only way I would allow her to go. It's an exciting time for her - her partner is playing Glastonbury with his band, Ellen and the Escapades and they are really impressive, lets hope this will be the break for them and get them more known than they are now.
Ha see I even waffle when I'm typing - I've just realised that I have n't actually told you why I'm not talking to him, sheeesh need to keep that in check so as I was saying before I rudely interupted by myself.... He went to Costco and came home with one of their huge victoria sponges and I love it.. grrrrrrr its still sitting on the side in the kitchen and while I've not been tempted in the sightest I'm worried that it will be still there when I'm having a week moment - I've never encouraged the kids to eat so much cake before now but I was close to force feeding them it today lol
Right its time for beddy buys!! Hope you have already had a good day and get a good nights sleep xxxx
I'm with you on the skin thing. All this effort and we're left looking worse! I laughed at your description of rolling it up, I've had the same thoughts. Now, I wonder who we complain to...
ReplyDeleteGreat blog you make me giggle with some of your thoughts. I've been thinking about starting a blog for ages and you've made me see it can be fun so just starting mine.
Keep up the good work!