Monday 28th June
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fooled you all NOT I know I know just wanted to see how that would feel to type it - did consider setting my target at the weight I'm at now just to be able to say that and then change it, ha I'm mental, do I care? NO!! LOL
Ok so I'm a bit hyper today must be the weather or something in the water lol.
I was pretty much hyper from the time I woke up, started cleaning the bathroom and then went on to scrub the dining room carpet, clean the skirting boards, wipe the doors down, won't bore you with all the details lol but I'll suffer for it later.
I tried to go shopping today, clearly it was n't meant to be. Went to Asda for lunch and was planning to do the shopping after that - just as we finished two women decided to beat the crap out of each other and there was police and security where running all over the store!!! Eventually that settled down and we started shopping, 10 minutes later an alarm started sounding and me being me just carried on shopping till over the mic we were told to evacuate the store in an orderly fashion. I wanted to take my half full trolley with me but was kindly instructed to leave it where it was, spoil sports really ruined my day!! Went outside, sat in the car for a minute then decided Fudge it! I'm going home, and went. I've got a wonderful hubby though, sent him to Asda on the way home from work even though of course he got the wrong bloody things!
Was good on plan, I'm such a star, haha, feeling good good good!! Actually I dont know what's wrong with me today but I'm going to stop now cause my hubby is threatening to block facebook, minimins, and my blog, he's feeling a little neglected sheeeeeesh, men no pleasing them is there.
night night my lovelies xxxx
Tuesday 29th June
I was on a go slow today - the weather was rubbish this morning and it made me not want to do very much at all. Managed to get one load of washing hung up, the utility room looked like a chinese laundery. Mind you it did brighten up as the day went on, weather wise but stress wise it went up and up and up.
I managed to get a little nap in the afternoon which is really rare for me cause usually the door knocks or the phone rings so I was pretty pleased about that and I really did need it. Hubby came home from work early not feeling well so I went to get Haydar from nursery and decided to go to Asda to get a little bit of shopping. Big mistake, Haydar was shattered and screamed his way round the store for icepops that were not frozen, even got him a frozen one out of the freezer and that was n't good enough. He still sceamed all the way home or nearly home, had to stop at another shop to get something for hubby and a 5 min quick nip into the store unded up in a 45 minute drama with Haydar screaming for the loo twice (ty kind shop people for being very patient with my son) and wetting his pants, first time ever and then still screaming till we got home. Then no one would come and unlock the gate, Haydar was pretty much naked and I was ready to the throw the towel in but still had to sort the kids out for dinner and get cleaned up. Was quite proud of myself though cause these kind of situations would normally mean I'd be heading for the chocolates or anything I could get my hands on - I did feel like that but I did n't succumb!! I'm a star!!.
Made a lovely syn free sweet chilli for dinner, it's so deliscious and really does n't taste as if its so low in everything that you can eat it freely. I'd planned to have it with basmati rice but by the time I got over my Haydar crisis I just ate it on its own, could n't be bothered to wait for rice and probably if I had of waited I'd have eaten loads of other rubbish in the mean time.
Snacked on loads of Melon in the evening, I'm really into melon at the moment as long as I don't have to cut it etc, yes I'm very lazy but I'd rather buy mine ready done from Asda at 87p a pack!!
Right I'm off my lovlies, sweet dreams to you all xxxx
Wednesday 30th of June
Hubby had the day off work today, he has n't been feeling well for a few days and in typical male style he's been dying!! I don't know what it is with men but the slightest sign of illness and that's it, no one can be as sick as they ever are!
It was Haydar's sports day - his first sports day and was really looking forward to the entertainment value - 30 2 year olds trying to do the egg and spoon race in my eyes can only lead to total chaos!! They did n't disappoint, Haydar was right up there yet some how managed to win the bean bag on head race despite never having put his beanbag on his head or even crossing the finishing line! Still he looked as proud as punch standing highest on the winners poladium (think that's what they call it!). Throwing the welly was fantatistic! 90% of the kids threw it and it went backwards! Bless, the wellie was nearly as big as some of the kids! Haydar makes me laugh cause he can't say wellie boots, since he's been able to talk he wears willie boobs! Classic!! The running race provided the best entertainment by far, 30 kids all running off in different directions looking for mum and dad instead of heading for the finishing ribbon - was a great morning, certainly won that I'm going to treasure for a very long time!
All three of us went to the White Rose Centre to do some shopping and had lunch there, I was a good girl, jacket potato and beans for me thank you very mucn. I've not done anything naughty this week and I'm not understanding why the scales are showing a gain - and not just a little gain, a huge gain. Hope the scales are wrong or I'll be suicidal come tomorrow night and weighin!
I had my first ever jacket potato explode on me today - well not me actually but in my oven and boy has it made a mess - think this is what is called healthy living - you make the food but don't get to eat it and then burn hundreds of calories cleaing up the mess! Don't know why it exploded, I pricked them all before putting them in - anyways I ended up with a jacket potato skin with a tiny amount of potato left in it and left over chilli from yesterday - actually I've been so hungry today, nothing seemed to fill me up, wonder why that is that we have days like that???
Had a very lazy late afternoon/evening. After dinner headed upstairs and basically went to bed and chilled, sat on the net and watched tv - I love evenings like that, don't happen very often so when they do they are all the more special. TO be honest, I was just being a lazy cow - really was n't in the mood to do anything and wanted to chill out.
It was the kids school opening night of their school performance. They are performing We Will Rock You and any of you that know the musical will know the parts. Yaz is killer queen, a part so so suited to her, if you knew her and know the part you would know why I was saying that haha - luv ya Yaz!! My youngest daughter has several smaller parts and I'm equally as proud of her as Yaz. I was so nervous for them sitting at home wondering how they had got on but pleased to say it was a huge hit, nothing major went wrong and I'm looking forward to watching it tomorrow night on what will be Yasmeens 17th Birthday!!
That's me for now, good night my luvlies and tomorrow is another day, another pound off or in my case on if the scales are anything to go by sheeeeesh!!
Thursday 1st of July
I'm officially a plank!! I will explain why later.
First of all I want to say a very happy birthday to my darling daughter Yasmeen - this time 17 years ago I was n't a habby bunny having gone through 12 hours of induced labour, not dilating one single centimetre and then having to have an emergency c section. Of course all was forgotten the minute she was placed in my arms. She's rather too big to be placed in my arms now but never will be too big for a big old cuddle from mum!
Today was a complete day off plan - did n't plan it that way, did n't even consider it but with one thing and another, a happy meal and a few too many alpen light bars kind of put me off track - actually I'm saying off plan but in all honesty looking back it was n't nearly as bad as what I thought - I seem to have gone off having bad days full of chocolate and crap just the odd thing here and there. Progress I'd say!!
It was a totally chaotic day today - shopping with the daughter, not a pleasant experience but a birthday treat, on top of that had to go to group and be weighed, and get back to school for the school performance amongst other stuff like the doctors, dropping kids off school and so on.
So we come to my weigh in - I had to go early cause of the school performance and they were just setting up as I got there - told my consultant I'd had a massive gain but could n't say why and I had n't done anything that I should nt have done during the week - stand on scales and am told 9.5lbs on!! Gutted but what could I say :( As the consultant was writing it down she said Alia that's not right - you've lost 9.5 pounds!! I had n't even thought of looking at the stones, I'd been looking at the pounds all week - what a total plank but a very happy plank indeed!! 4 stone 3.5 pounds down now and feeling rather smug!
The school performance was amazing - I'm bursting with pride, both my daughters shone and it was the perfect ending to a totally pefect day!!
On that note, I'm off to get some shut up, really hectic day, rubbish nights sleep last night and I'm totally shattered.
Good night my luvlies, sweet dreams to you all xxxx
Friday 2nd July
I've gone into lazy mode!! Don't know why or if its just the weather but quite simply I can't be arsed to do anything sheeeeesh.
Had to go to the doctors this morning, in quite a bit of pain with something but hopefully now with these strong antibiotics it will start to get better asap. Not funny when things are n't quite right downstairs with the plumbing, something men will NEVER EVER understand!!
Ali stayed off school, not very well apparently though he seemed to make a miraculous recovery during the day - lucky its just the last few days of school and I'm not in ogre mood or I'd have sent him in later in the day. Leila stayed off school to although she was just totally shattered after the performances and needed a good rest to be ok for todays. We went to Asda for lunch with Haydar then dropped him off at nursery and went home.
Had a good day foodwise, ate healthy stuff, all within my syns and allowances - would be good if I could have a 3rd good loss in a row although i'm not couting on it, just cause of how much I've lost in the last two weeks. I'm feelign so positive now, just goes to show that we shouldn't use the scales at home but I don't think I've got the will power to keep off mine for m ore than 6 hours lol
I need sleep!! Haven't been able to sleep for nearly a week now and its driving me mad. I think that's why I'm not in a motivated mood to be honest cause I am not getting enough rest and I'm just so shattered!! Still, sleep is n't going to be heading my way for a good few months so I better get used to it and just get on with things other wise we'll end up on how clean is your house before the year is out with Kim and Aggy telling me what a lazy moo cow I am bla bla
Right off to go and toss and turn some more, good night my lovlies, hope you get more sleep than me!!
Saturday July 3
It's the bloody weekend and Haydar woke up way too early for my liking!!! Still was n't feeling motivated, had a really really lazy day, just pottered around not doing very much, someone has taken my mojo - my house cleaning mojo!! I need it back, the house is driving me crazy, I can't stand it like this, its not dirty its just disorganised. I usually do the ironing every day and I think it's been about a week since I did it!!
We went to the final showing of the kids We Will Rock You performance and it was fantastic, I wanted to jump up and scream 'that's my daughter' as she was singing 'another one bites the dust' and driving her 4 inch heels into some poor young mans chest!! Start as she means to go on that's what I say!!! Chris came too, he's been such a good support to Yasmeen, she's a very lucky girl to have someone so loving and caring person behind her. Leila looked so confident on stage - not like my little timid girl at all - this show has been good for her, its really brought her out of herself and given her the confidence she was lacking. I'm sure its the start of fine things for her.
I had a terrible headache after the performance, think all the fireworks etc in the show did nt help and by the time I got home all i could do was curl up in bed, did n't even get anything to eat. Don't like this not being able to take painkillers business, I know its going to be worth it in the end but it's not fun to go through at the time.
Again a good day on the plan, totally on track and nothing negative to report at all - oh I had 2 bites of haydar's subway - salad and tuna and mayonnaise but that was well within my syn allowance so its all good.
Good night my darlings, sweet dreams!!
Sunday 4th July
oh soooooooooooooooooo not motivated still!! I'd arranged to go see a very good friend of mine in Manchester today as she's heading off on holiday for 6 weeks on wednesday and I won't see her for ages. Took all of my motivation, not very much at all to get myself dressed and organised. Haydar had turned into damion and was playing up big time, the house completely disorganised and in all honesty the idea of just heading back to bed was so much more appealing than the long drive but I wanted to see her so got myself organised eventually. I was meant to leave at 11 but it was more like 12.30 by the time we got out the door.
Today was a really hungry day - we headed for the trafford centre and I needed food so headed to spud u like and had a jacket potato, no butter but with beans and extra beans - really fancied sosmething different but they would have all been a disaster on my plan so I was a good good girl. I asked the guy for pepsi max to drink but I'm not sure it tasted like pepsi max, I sometimes think these people try to sabotague us fatties on purpose - like your that fat you think a pepsi max is going to make any difference? Oh just let me catch one of the little squirts red handed doing that to me and they will have pepsi max coming out of every orrifice in their body!!
Trafford Centre was heaving! I so was n't in the mood, but all the kids, my friends and Haydar were playing up so we just grabbed something she needed for her holiday then headed off out of there. I've been after a certain style of gladiator shoes for so long, having size 9 feet it's been impossible to get them - my buddy got some from the arndale centre in Manchester and they did them up to a size 10 so I was too and froing about wether to go and get them or if I just could n't be bothered. Decided at the last minute to go and literally ran into the store as the guy started to put the shutters down but after a bit of pleading he let us in to get what I wanted as long as we were like speedy gonzaleez! Even managed to find a matching bag even if I did have to buy the shoes a size too big cause they did n't have my size and there was just no way I was going home without them!!
Had jacket potato with beans again for dinner, there will deffinately be an increase in the wind flow in our house tonight!! Was meant to chill out after dinner but we had a major crisis at my friends house - her little son put the plug in the bath and left it running for about an hour and a half - lets just says Haydar asked me why it was raining in the kitchen! There was water everywhere, kitchen, hall way, walls ceilings! It really wasn't pretty and we had alot of clearing up to do - that's going to take a longgggg longgggggg time to dry out bless - her hubby was n't very impressed when he came home!
Right off to toss and turn again, I'm shattered but I know what's going to happen!
Good night my huns, sweet dreams xxxx
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