Monday 31st May
I'm using this picture to remind me what could happen to me if I don't stick to the plan and deviate!!
Whohoooo Day 4 of 100% is complete and there were many temptations that came in my way today. We took the kids to soccer city (we as in my friend who is staying with her kids) and the kids had chips - there was jacket potatos on the menu and I chose that but typically they did n't have any so I had to settle with beans onf toast. I did n't even pinch ONE chip!! Yeah Yeah How Good am I!!!! I hope and pray that the scales reflect how good I have been this week cause I might just go under if I dont get a good weight loss after trying so hard.
It's official!! Old, Married, Fat, what ever I may be I still have it!!! Despite wearing a hefty wedding ring, a hijab (headscarf) and 6 kids in tow, Pheonix (he introduced himself as that) still tried to chat me and my pal up as we were sat in the car outside my house!! God help him if hubby had been around and I was quite quick to tell him I was married and he was in danger of having his head kicked in but either he did n't understand or he did n't care he still kept talking and asking questions! I think in the end it was the disaproving looks of my son on the steps of the house and quick thinking from my pal that got us out of the situation - an idiot he may be, or a very brave man considering the size of my husband but it did feel kind of good to know I still had it haha just joking, I could n't get out of there fast enough! I did ask him if he was muslim to see if he understood the headscarf etc and he said his mother was but he did n't grow up with islam around him - I'd never have guessed, I said inshallah you will come to islam and walked into the house.
Right I'm off to jiggle my wobbly bits a bit more to see I can burn some more fat haaaaa!
Tuesday 1st June
Craziness is the name of the game in my house at the moment - trying to compete with 8 kids and all that comes with them, is practically impossible at the moment!
Today was supossedly an 'extra easy' day - basically it does what it says on the packet, pretty much everything is free with only a few things being hb and the rest as syns - your allowed to eat everything free on a green and a red day, one hb choice and one ha choice as long as you fill 1/3 of your plate with super free foods - pretty amazing concept really cause I was able to eat roast chicken and rice on the same plate. Personally I can't help thinking that is only going to slow down weight loss so I'll be sticking to my greens but once in a while an 'extra easy' day won't hurt.
I can't emphasise enough how stressed out I felt today - my 3 boys were thinking they were smart and gave me a constant drip drip drip of bad behaviour all through the day - I did n't handle it fantastically and had a few blips in the evening cause of the stress but I'm ok about it, was n't enough to do any damage and I felt a dam sight better afterwards. Why is my response to stressful situations always involve food - why could n't it be something like going for a 5 mile jog or cleaning the house top to bottom 5 times over - I must have a flawed chip inside my brain, saying that I think half the population have the same response!
My buddy and I took some time out in the evening as we were so stressed out - left hubby lecturing the boys, and my daughter taking care of Haydar and we just went for a drive and we giggled and giggled and pretty much acted like 8 year olds haha but it was so good for both of us to get out of the house and to chill after the day we had with the kids. Laughter so rightly as always is the best form of medication!
Wednesday 2nd of June
So far so good! Aside from last night I'm pretty much on track for a really fantastic week and I hope it is reflected in my weight loss this week.
I've got a maxi dress!! It's gorgeous, just not sure its so gorgeous when I'm inside of it or if its just because I'm not used to wearing that sort of thing! I keep wondering about the term maxi dress - kind of sounds like some kind of tent that morbidly obese women wear to cover up all those unsightly lumps and bumps - I keep looking at it on the hanger (infront of me as I type) and tryin to work out if I'm actually going to get away with wearing it - think I'll give it a whirl, after all whats the worst that can happen - my waddling down the street looking like a sugar bloody fairy is probably as bad as it can get haha
Fantastic day on the plan - had nothing I should n't have done and was really in control and eatin all the right things. My friend went home today with her kids so the house seems really quiet and not as stressful so plan wise there should be nothing to get in my way at all - I'm off out to lunch with my mum and her friend and 3 of my children tomorrow but as long as I make sensible choices then it should n't be a problem!
Thursday 3 June
Today was just such a fantastic day today for a couple of reasons. The weather was fantastic!! We could n't have chosen a better day to go up to the Dales and go out for lunch. I loved it today, I don't really get much chance to spend quality time with my mum, she's so busy with work and I'm so busy with the kids etc so today was really quite special. On top of that I have to be so very proud of myself. We went to a quaint little tea room and I had no breakfast just in case I went a bit mad over lunch but I had a jacket potato with beans, no cheese or butter and typically I was sat opposite the dessert display!!! Amazing looking cheese cakes, chocolate fudge cakes, passion fruit cakes and on and on and on and guess what!! I did n't have anything, did n't even pinch a chip off Haydar's plate. How focused and dedicated was I!! After lunch we walked a little bit and spent time in a lovely park in a gorgeous setting - Haydar had the best time running around playing on everything - was just such a nice day.
How well was I rewarded for my dedication this week!! 5.5 pounds off!! I'm so pleased with myself and it shows what happens when I follow the plan to the T and write everything down. I'm going to try for the same again this week. Just want to boost my weight up for a few weeks to have me feeling focused and seeing the pounds melt off. I'm away for the weekend but I hope to be sensible and make the right choices - I don't want to do anything to mess up this feeling I have inside, I'm feeling fantastic after this loss and I want to bottle this feeling up and sell it to people who have lost their mojo.
Friday 4th June
Talk about hectic day!! Spent the morning cleaning up the house and doing loads of washing and ironing. Hospital appointment in the afternoon with my son, shopping, picking up my daughters glasses before getting myself all organised and sorted out for going to my friends for the weekend.
Best plans and all that totally went out the window but on refection why the hec should I sit there while there is lovely food on offer, lots of nice company etc and not have a good time myself - its the first time I've been away since I started the plan and I was n't going to sit there miserably and not even taste the offerings. I did n't go mad, had a few samosa and some deliciosu triamasu and thoroughly enjoyed myself and why the hell should n't I??
It was so so nice to see my friend and her children again and also to have the honour of meeting lots of her revert friends too - they all made me feel so welcome and made an effort to talk to me, thoroughly good time was had indeed.
Once all the guests had left my friends we sat down and had a good chin wag and set the world to rights till some ungodly hour in the morning - always happens with us, we natter and natter and the time runs away with us and before we know it we've been up half the night. Going to get back on track on Sunday (inshallah)
Saturday 5th June
We had rather a slow start today - it was so so warm that I did n't even feel like moving and nor did Em even though we were meant to be going to her friends house for lunch. We had such a lazy day and I guess you could say I did got over the top a bit with food - we had a chinese for dinner - not so bad but then the banana fritter and ice cream plus I dont know how many bags of quavers or squares of dairy milk I had but I really did n't care and really enjoyed myself - that was until I managed to do myself some serious damage. Em was in the kitchen cleaning so I decided to join her and have a chin wag while she was washing up and I went to sit on a chair thats on wheels and it just slipped out from under me - first time no damage was done but of course I had to try again, not knowing that one of the legs was missing and this time I landed right down on my coxxyc (not sure of the spelling!) Oh my it was so painful and of course that mixed with my emarrasment of being sprawled all over emmas floor did n't help and I spent the rest of the day in total agony, desperately trying to get comfortable but it was n't happening - think all that added to me going OTT on the chocolate etc. Managed to crawl up the stairs on some how got on to the bed and managed to sleep a while after having my pain killers.
Sunday 6th June
Despite my pain I did manage to actually sleep very well last night - those memory foam mattresses deffinatly agree with me - got to get myself one of those for sure.
The plan of getting back on track today did n't last long. I was ok in the morning, made me and Em one of my sandwiches which was lovely and I just had my coffee and a banana too but after hubby arrived to pick me up things went a bit wrong - actually it was in the car on the way home that things went wrong - we kept getting stuck in traffic and we had no food in the car except bad stuff and I just ate it cause I was hungry, still again I'm not beating myself up about it, going to make sure tomorrow is a fresh start and I deserved my weekend off any way.
I was thinking over the vists that have happened between Em and I and realised that there is often some kind of crisis! Last time Em came to stay here, the bathroom door jammed so the down stairs loo was out of action, then the kids bathroom loo got blocked so we were down to only the ensuite loo and then to top it off the kids loo started leaking all over the floor!! Superfast action by the plumber was needed. This time going Ems, I tipped food out of the fridge all over her by mistake, damaged my back and left paw prints from my pjs all over Em's sofa! Then to top it off when we got home there was a leak from somewhere in the bathroom again and it was coming through the ceiling in the down stairs hall way - another plumber visit was required - I dread to think what might happen next time but suffice to say I'm going to increase my life insurance policy I think haha
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