Monday, 10 May 2010

Heading in the right direction Week 9

Monday 10th May

I think I'm finally begining to notice the weight I have lost - I had the whole house cleaned today before Haydar woke up, did it top to bottom and even changed my bedding after he woke up - none stop from about 7am till about 11.30. I'm feeling so much more motivated than I was last week and am sure if I continue like this there will be a positive loss on the scales.

A friend came to visit today with her little girl who is a year older than Haydar - he's not that good with other kids playing with his toys cause he's not used to having to share them but he did n't throw too many tantrums but deffinately kicked out the odd scowl in Layla's direction when she picked up one of his toys!
I'm mentioning this visit from a friend as I was really quite embarrassed today as when she came all i could offer her was tea coffee or juice and no biscuits or cake! usually when people come to see me I put on lots of yummy treats for my friends and their kids and I found myself appologising profusely for not having anything nice for her to eat - oh how different is that to how it would have been 3 months ago - I'd have gone to tesco and stocked up on far more treats than were needed and kids my self into belivieng that it was haram to throw them away so I'd eat up the rest myself. I'm pretty much known for having good things to eat - maybe the news will spread now and I'll not get many visitors if all they get is tea or coffee lol - saves me a bomb though.

This made me start thinking about money - I have been trying to work out wether this healthy eating plan is saving me money or making me spend more. Realistically I was spending probably at least £10 a day on crap, cakes, crisps, sweets, icecream etc but am I spending that on healthy treats etc - probably no where near now - I was a few weeks back cause I was hitting the shops every day buying stuff but now I limit it to every 3 or 4 days so I am probably saving which is another good reason for me to stay on the plan - not as much as improving my health but something else positive too!

As I was so busy today I have n't eaten as much as I have done for the last couple of days but that will be ok, I'll just make sure I have more tomorrow.

I'm going now, hubby is in London for the night so I'm going to make the most of my quiet evening and lounge in bed and chill out.

Good night all!!

Tuesday 11 May

I had a fab day today, food wise and movement wise - I've really uped my mobility, I know its just in the house but I was on the go all day from morning till night and its all got to help, every step walked is a step in the right direction. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, did loads of washing, drying and ironing. The busier I keep myself the less I think about food so my new mantra is going to have to go back to the saying 'the more you move the more you lose!' That was all done for 10.30 as I had to take the little one to the dentist - rather him than me but he was so very brave, and let the dentist do what he had to do. Had a sly trip to boots too see how the weight was going this week and its showing a loss, not saying how much cause I dont want to jinx myself but its all good and fingers crossed I'll still be showing a good loss on thursday evening.

Did a little bit of shopping, got some good things in for me, nice healthy treats like strawberrys and pineapple. MmmM also got some snack a jacks, the caramel ones, they are quite dangerous though so only brought 3 packs.

I took my lovely son to Asda before dropping him at nursery, I had some time to kill so treated myself to a jacket potato and beans. Fed up of beans but there wasn't really anything else on the menu that would have been a good choice on my plan.

Wednesday 12th May

oooh exciting day for me, I dont get out much lol - cleaned up the house in the morning then dropped the little one off at nursery and headed off to manchester to visit a good friend of mine and we went out to dinner, kid free which is really rare as I've got 6 kids and she has 2 and I think this was the first time we had really been out kid free. We were both sensible with food choices and made sure we went somewhere that offered food that was as healthy as possible - we ended up having a stuffed chicken, rice, salad, falafel and homus - probably not all good really but it was a one off and there was no way either of us were going to sit there chomping on a lettuce leaf! We did have a dessert but the less said about that the better. Again I feel no guilt about it, it's a one off and very well deserved oh and so very very nice!

It's always so nice to see this particular friend, she's one of my closest friends and we have so much in common - she's doing fantastically on the plan too and cause I dont see her that often I always see such a difference in her when I do see her and she looks like she has lost soo much, so proud of her - she said that I look like I've lost loads too but I think she's just being kind, I can't physically see a difference.

I did n't leave till late, around 10 so did nt get home till very late either - grabbed a couple of cereal bars and that was all I had before going to sleep.

Thursday 13 May

I was so tired today - lack of sleep last night, Haydar's decided that being awake from 11.30 till 3.30am is cool - message to youngest son, it so far from cool its not even funny so be a good boy and sleep all night tonight!

It was weigh in today - Yassy decided to come with me, looking for the inspiration that she needs to lose her weight - did n't let her join though, she needs to think about it more seriously and work out how she would fit it into her busy social life (comes to something when your teenage daughter has a better social life than you!) and how she will cope with having to make sensible choices - will let her stew till next week then see if she's come up with ideas of how she can make the plan work for her!

2lbs down for me! Yes I know not really the huge l0ss I was hoping for but 2 off is so much better than 2 on! I finally got slimmer of the week, pretty much a cop out really for 2lbs and I only got it cause hardly any one stayed lol - really going to work hard this next week cause I really need to have a good weight loss to give me a boost. It's coming off so much slowly this time than any other time that I've dieted so maybe that means I'll be able to stick to it for the long term - I keep telling myself that even a pound off is better than nothing and that I would be perfectly happy with that - who am I trying to kid, 1 bloody pound, no thank you madam, I'd probably be happy with 4 lol - maybe thats a bit unrealistic but I've got so many spare pounds to give I'm feeling generous :P

I've sort of developed a friendship with 2 ladies that go to slimming world. you could say we are slimming world buddies on a thursday night - I tend to sit with them, they always ask if I want to sit with them and how I've got on etc. It's probably the most unlikely friendship possible though. One of them god bless her and right now I can't remember her name, is deffinately on the brink of a midlife crisis. She has a 'unique' style of attire lets say - first time I went she was wearing wet look leggings and it really was n't a good look oh and a ton of costume jewellery and a vest top - probably not the best choice in clothing for a 'plumper' lady but hey, guess she would n't chose to wear a hijab so who am I to comment. The next week that I went she nearly had me choking on my coffee (I appologise for the use of she but I can't remember her name lol). I was taking a big gulp of my coffee as she decided to bend over to put her boots on - I could cope with the denim mini skirt while she was standing up but in a bending position, putting her pink thong on full view to me was so not good - even the woman next to me ended up in a coughing fit so I gather she got an eye full too (__Y__) it was something like that! Having said that, the following week they befriended me and they are both the most hilarious woman I've met in a while, they have me in stitches, they make the whole staying to group thing totally worth while. I imagine them to have a kind of laurel and hardy friendship, one finishes off what the other one started saying and they always look for approval from each other with is n't it, was n't it, have n't you bla bla bla..... sooo I was a bit sad that they did n't stay this week as they both had things to do but they appologised and I told them it was ok, I had a week to get over the sense of desertion I was feeling by them leaving me all alone :P

Next week I'm going to have a really strict week! Just one, just to see if I can have a boost with the weightloss, really need it for my mojo to stay with me!

Friday 14th May

Boy oh Boy did I move today! Haydar woke up early which he has n't done for a while which also meant I did n't get much house work done before he woke up so as I was progressing from room to room he was trashing behind me and he was in to everything today - I left him downstairs while I went up to get something and came back down and he'd somehow got hold a bottle of frebreeze and decided to clean my laptop, the ntl box and dvd player and a large selection of his dvds! Nice idea Haydar, but so not cool!!! I did n't stop until it was time to take him to nursery then took him and nipped to Tesco and came home and started to cook - I literally did n't eat one thing till about 3pm - yes not the way to do it but today I was so busy that I actually forgot to eat!

Asda have special offers on some quorn products, all a pound each so stocked up on those, will freeze them if neccessary but got 5 packets so that will last me ages.

How come when you start the day doing housework etc instead of sitting down and having a cup of coffee first do you feel more energised - if I do that then I find it so hard to get motivated and feel tired and sluggish for the rest of the day. I was in alot of pain later on in the eveninga s I'd moved so much in the day and its always weird how I don't feel the pain as I'm doing it, its after I stop that everything starts to hurt!! Could do with a really hot bath but I'm not having a bath till I've lost a bit more weight - I could be a one woman dam when I get in the bath - blubber touches all the sides and no water passes through haha t00 much info, oh well, love to share my trials being an overweight person - I mean who actually decides the size on a standard bath anyway, who ever it is they clearly do not sympathise with the obese people in this country cause the baths are way too narrow for my liking sheeesh.

Saturday 15th of May

Today was one of those sluggish days! I got up and cleaned the bathrooms and Haydar's room but that was pretty much it, I really needed a relaxing day - thanks to number 2 son it did n't happen and had I have gone on a lardy food binge today he would have been responsible for that but I'm pleased to say no matter how high my stress levels today it did n't make me reach for the biscuit tin - saying that had I have done that its empty anway lol

I managed to do myself an injury today, what a plank I am - I managed to tip a full cup of scorching coffee on myself and boy oh boy did it hurt - shocked me big time too but I'm happy that the injury was n't worse and it was me and not one of the kids.

Food wise I was good today too - ate more than I did yesterday but still nothing major and nothing that was n't fitted in the plan. Hope I can continue this for the rest of the week - weekends always seem to be harder for me cause the kids are around eating and I dont get to keep the house spotless cause the kitchen is constantly like a cafe, I clean and with in half an hour its messed up again! Roll on monday so I can get back into my week day routine. I deffinately eat more at weekends than I do during the week - its weird how when there is someone around to do things for you, you become quite lazy and ask them to do things yet when they are not there we just get up and get on with it?

On that note I'm going to go much on strawberries, they are a super speed free food so they can only aid my weight loss!

Good night my honeys xxx

Sunday 16th May

I went to visit a friend today - have n't seen her in ages and it was so nice to catch up - bless her, felt a bit guilty cause she made some food and I did n't eat any of it - we did end up munching on the fruit salad that I had taken with me and I had some bread sticks with cheese and a few rice cakes but was really quite controlled and still enjoyed myself.

There really is n't much to say about today, I was good pretty much and stuck to my plan but still had some syns and thats what its all about at the end of the day, being able to have a good time with food but still stay in control and not regret anything that you have eaten during the day.

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