Week 1 (Again!)
Yikes, how long has it been since I blogged and how much has happened in that time!
Obviously the most significant occurance is that I've had a baby - the reason I stopped blogging, stopped slimming world oh and insignificantly stopped living for 7 months! I had the pregnancy from hell and while all good intentions were to carry on with SW during the pregnancy with a view to at least having maintained by the end of it, it did n't happen. I was so ill during the pregnancy that there were days where I could n't lift my head off my pillow without throwing up! Said baby arrived 12 weeks early after several long hospital stays and a very traumatic and dramatic delivery. Pleased to say though that I was actually 6lb lighter after she was born than when I stopped following the plan so I think that's a pretty good achievement (for me it's a bloody miracle!)
So it's my intention to start going back to group tonight! It will be the first time I'll have stopped going to group and actually go back lighter than when I left - usually I wait till I've piled all the weight that I lost, and more, back on before going back so this is a new experience for me. I can't say that I'm highly motivated right now but I'm hoping after going tonight my enthusiasm will at least be at a level where when I get out of bed tomorrow I head for a syn free sausage and egg sandwich rather than doritos and salsa with a can of full fat coke for breakfast!
I've ordered my shopping, did it online, could n't be arsed actually going into tesco to get all that healthy stuff and today I'm kind of like a locust going round emptying the cupboards of all things nice that will tempt me off the straight path - of course I'm eating it all, could n't be seen to be wasteful, that would just be criminal and I do have to make the most of my last free day of gluttony! Although I have to say in my defence, despite being off plan I've never returned to my pre last SW experience glutton! Still not crazy over chocolate and sweet stuff, seem to have come full circle and become a savory type of girl - long may that last! Red Full Fat Coke - ohhhhhhhh my that's my downfall and my fridge is now home to the shiny gold caffeine free cans, don't have the same appeal but that alone will make a huge difference - I dont want to think about how many calories are in the 5+ cans a day I've been drinking, ignorance is bliss and I'd much rather be in denial, besides, it's all irrelevant now cause after today its gold all the way!
I'll let you know how group goes today and from tomorrow I'll be back to doing my regular daily blog and food diary - not for any one elses benefit but for mine, it seems to keep me on track and if others want to read it then then good for them!
So I went to group - in all honesty it bored the hell out of me cause nothings changed and I can 't even begin to remember the amount of times I've sat through that new member talk arghhhh - still I've only put on 7.5 pounds since August last year which I'm quite chuffed about having been away for so long and having had a little sproglett too - plus bonus was I was allowed to carry on where I left off so I'm down as still 4 and a half stone off whoop whoop so bonus all round.
Off now to make the most of my last night - want to eat so much but not really fancying anything and got nothing really naughty in - need to have my last few cans of red coke though before going back onto the gold stuff - looking forward to tomorrow, NOT MUCH!
Friday 4th March
This diet lark is n't funny when you've got nothing 'diet' in and you are waiting for tesco to deliver your shopping which incidently is n't coming till this afternoon!
So far so good though, making the best of what I have in and had a nice cooked breakfast and some fruit to snack on plus a hi fi bar - keep thinking to myself gonna go et something to eat then suddenly remember I am on plan lol, need to retrain my thought!
2 Bananas and a Nectarine
Vegeterian Sausages x 2 (2 syns each), beans, scrambled egg and 1 tbs tomato ketchup
Fat free yoghurt
Syn free sweet chilli and jacket potato
Banana, Hifi Bar
Saturday 5th March
Been craving stew since wednesday so went out early and bought loads of veg to make a hearty stew. Shoved it all in the slow cooker and left it in all day.
Did n't really have much time to think about food today because it was so hectic - had loads of visitors - brother came up with his family and had the nurse over to see the baby then hubby had visitors and my sister in law came too so it was a case of just grabbing what I could when I could. I tried extra easy for the first time today, properly and I loved it - deffinately going to be doing that more frequently if not all the time. It will be really interesting to see what my weightloss will be like. Can't really use the first week as a base cause you always lose more in the first week so will wait till the end of the second week to assess if it works for me. If it does then wow, this diet plan just gets easier and easier to follow and it really makes me wonder why more people are n't doing it and are n't more successful on it - pfttttttt Weight Watchers, all that counting weighing and measuring, hell no thanks, I'm a Slimming World Gal through and through!
2 Slices of WW Bread, 1 egg, 3 rashers qorn bacon (3 syns), 1 Tbs tomato Ketcheup, 1 Tbs of olive oil
Syn free lamb casserole with potatos (lamb, carrots, onion, suede, leeks, stock)
Banana, Highfi bar (6 syns), Fat free yoghurt, Salad
Sunday 6th March
Well what can I say about today except 'DISASTER'
It was n't intentional it was circumstance (like to tell myself that). Spent most of the day at a friends house - she cooked but I hardly ate anything so by the time we were leaving to go home I was starving so when hubby decided to stop at KFC (rarely get that as there are no halal KFC's near us, the closest one is by said friends house!) the temptation was too much to resist - I was good though, did n't eat the skin! Had a few chocolates at my friends house too but you know what, I'm not going to beat myself up about it cause it's just one day and I'll be back on track tomorrow!
Monday 7th March
I've not eaten enough today! I've been so busy from the minute I got up till now, 2am the following morning that I was just grabbing what I could when I could. Infact how I actually remembered to eat at all today is a miracle. Baby was playing up and every time I thought about eating she started crying, think she has her period cause she was moody as hell!
I intend (all things going according to plan of course) to cook some soup - I've loads of veg in the fridge that needs using up and I bought it for that purpose but just have n't go round to it yet so going to set half an hour aside to do that fingers crossed.
Coffee!! Terrible I know
2 eggs fried in fry light, 2 slices qorn bacon and baked beans, 1 tbs of tomato ketchup (3 syns total)
Small amount syn free chilli and golden rice
Fat free yoghurt, 1 packet of riveta mini, satsuma and pinapple.
No A cnoice and only 1 B choice on a green day tut tut, need to get all my healthy choices in tomorrow.
Tuesday 9th March
Crikey my life seems to have become totally manic over the last week, don't have time to fart never mind anything else, will be glad when it all settles down. It's my own doing, can't stop decorating and rearranging the house. I mean don't get me wrong, keeping busy is good to a certain degree cause it stops me eating and it stops me thinking about food all the time - man that makes me sound like a junkey hahahaa but being as busy as I am is affecting how I'm eating my meals so I need to sort that.
Have you noticed that when you are on a diet - or healthy eating plan, diet is of course a swear word, that all you actually do is think about food! If your not eating it your planning what your going to do, if your not planning you're shopping for it and if your not shopping for it, you're eating it! My whole life revolves around food - man it was n't before but then I guess I did n't think then about what I ate, I just ate it lol and pretty much ate it all day without a second though. I've become obsessed, I wake up dreaming about fried eggs and qorn bacon and I'm not usually a big breakfast eater - mind you I say breakfast but it's usually around 12 that I actually get to eat it.
Hmm so lets see what was on the menu for today
2 eggs friend in fry light, qorn bacon and baked beans - Heinz ketchup
Jacket spud with sweeet corn and tuna and 2 tbs of extra light mayonnaise.
Sandwich made with 3 slices of ww bread, qorn beef slices, cucumber, tomato and lettuce
Fat free yoghurt, satsuma, 1oz of chedder cheese.
Wednesday 9th March
Today was even more busy than yesterday - I've been running around all day long and did n't even get chance to eat till about 3pm. I made a veg soup for the first time - well I say soup but it was probably more like a stew, loads of veg with barley and lentils so it was nice and thick, I bet it would have been lovely with some chicken in it... hmmm next time I think.
Lunch (3pm) Veg stew
Dinner (11.30pmg) Veg Stew
Grapes, melon, fat free yoghurt, 1oz cheddar cheese and a packet of ryveta minis.
OOOooohhh weigh in tomorrow, think I'll go wax my legs, that will guarantee me at least a pound off LOOOOOOOOOOl
Thursday 10th March
So today was the first big weigh in and I knew that no matter what I lost I was going to be happy, as long as the scaled showed a loss. I used to dream of huge big weight losses but I know this time round I'm here for the long haul - there will be nothing to stop me continuing to my goal now, except me. No babies nothing so I've no excuse, if things go wrong I'll only have myself to blame so as long as each week something comes off, even just a pound I'll be happy, after all every pound off is going to be a pound off for life - it has to be cause I don't want to be on this journey of up and down poundage for the rest of my life - I want to get to where I want to be and stay there and be happy and be able to concentrate on something else in my life - my weight has always beens such a major issue in my life, I can't imagine now having it as a problem but oh my how wonderful it will be to be able to finally wake up each morning and not think, arghhhhhhhhhhh I'm so fat I need to change it but to be able to look in the mirror and like and be content with what I see - It's going to happen, and I'll keep telling my self that till it finally does.
I had another really hectic day, I'm hoping that this next week will be a little less manic and I'll have more time to concentrate on me - that's if you can actually do that with 7 kids!
Soooooooooooo the big weigh in - yup yup 4lb off for me so I'm really chufffed with that. I have had a week to mess around now and work out how I'm going to be eating and to cut out all the bad stuff - there's been a couple of things that have gone wrong this week that I want to sort out for next week and keep off the naughty stuff and hopefully next week I'll have a loss too - no KFC would be a good place to start and 3 regular meals a day. I think I'm going to stick to my green days - it's what I know and what I'm used to and also what I know works for me - I'll throw in the odd EE day but primarly I think I'm still and always will be a green girl!
No breakfast!!!
Lunch - Home made vegetable stew
Dinner Syn free Lamb casserole with potatos
Snacks Hifi bar, grapes, Mugshot and 1/4 of a cheese burger! (tut tut)
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