Monday 12th July
Pee Pee Pee and Pooh Pooh Pooh!! That's all I seem to be doing at the moment and while I know that it's a good thing, it's driving me mental!! I did n't even dare go out today cause I could n't stop and sometimes I can go and need to go again within 5 minutes arghhhhhhhhhhhh.
I was a good girl today on my diet, got up, did all the cleaning up then chilled out with Haydar, I do like mondays because he does n't go to nursery and I'm able to relax with him - I say relax, he has me running all over the place but not having to worry about getting dressed and going out.
I did consider taking Haydar out to the park but for the first day in I don't know how long it was chucking it down, did n't even get any washing on the line it that was wet and I actually turned on the heating cause I was cold.
So food on the menu today was
Breakfast Fat free yoghurt, Banana, Peach, SF Jelly
Lunch Sweet and Sour mugshot and 2 boiled eggs
Dinner Sweedish Meatballs in a tomato and pepper sauce with spaghetti
Snacks 2 Alpen light bars (HEX B), SF Jelly and Fat free yoghurt, melon.
Tuesday 13th July
Haydar was a lazy monkey today and I got fed up waiting for him to get up so I went downstairs and started cleaning up - he loves his sleep, just wish he would sleep earlier at night instead of till 10am in the morning lol Still at least I managed to get some things done without him running around destroying my hard work before I've even finished!
Reallyl fancied a good breakfast but was n't in the mood to cook so just stuck to melon and yoghurt and just grabbed and Alpenlight bar for lunch.
Had to go to school today to watch an award ceramony so got my nice maxi dress on and even decided to do some before shots for my weightloss journey album. I have a grumble - how come shops always assume cause you've got a big body you have to have big boobs!!!! I shamefully do not anywhere near fill my maxi dress bosom part!!! Need to get the socks out I think NOT LOL. Mind you if I lose any more weight from that area I'll end up a B cup and a laughing stock!! I would n't want to have hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee melons but I'd deffinately like a big more up top than what I've got sheeeesh!
Needed to go and get a few things from Asda but could n't be arsed, will go tomorrow after I've dropped Haydar at nursery - I'm after some ready cut chips for my SW chips, been fancying them for a few days so I'll make some of them tomorrow afternoon.
Had a sneaky look at the scales today - if I'm lucky I'll get my 4.5 stone award on Thursday - whohooooo I'll be so chuffed if I do. Just imagine had I have not started this jorney I'd probably be two stone heavier or more than I was back in march - feeling good good good :P
So food for today.
Breakfast Banana, Activia Fat Free Yoghurt, Melon, 1 boiled egg
Lunch - Alpen light bar (1/5 HEX B)
Dinner - Savoury Golden Rice and Chick pea dhal - was yummy
Snacks Solero (5 syns) Melon Strawberries Fat free yoghurt.
Wednesday 14th July
Today was a mixed day - was a bit up and down. I had a fairly busy morning, cleaning up sorting out etc. Leila was n't at school cause she was n't feeling to well bless her.
Went on a mission to find boxer shorts for Haydar after I dropped him at nursery but tried 4 or 5 places and was n't able to find any small sizes so had to order them online at Next when I got home, hopefully they will be here tomorrow. Went to asda to get some shopping and started feeling pretty rubbish while I was in there - felt dizzy and sick, not sure if that was down to not having eaten since breakfast and only haven eaten fruit and some yoghurt. Ate something as soon as I came home and felt a bit better but by the evening I was n't feeling that great again. Rain, oh boy did it rain in the evening. Not only did it rain, it was thundering and had a fantastic show of lightening!.
Thursday 15th July
I'm knackered!!!! Haydar was up in the night throwing up. It was about 4am and I had n't been able to sleep anyway so think it was about 3am when I finally dropped off - bless him, hate it when the kids are poorly but I'd rather he be poorly during the day lol - he seemed much better during the day though although he can't go to nursery for 2 days. Tried to get stuff done in the house in the morning although I really was n't in the mood too but got some stuff done which was good.
Had an appointment at the doctors at lunch time, it was one of those that seemed to go on forever - left Adham minding Haydar in the waiting room which he really struggled with and both of them ended up in the room with me before I was done! Quick trip to Tesco to grab a couple of things and then continental to get a chicken for dinner.
Weigh in today whohooo another 2.5 pounds off, wanted more but happy with that, a loss is a loss and it will all add up in the end. Gonna try to get my next shiny for next week, think I deserve it and still to be losing weight in my situation is deffinately worth a pat on the back!
Totally knackered was the only way to put the night, came home from group, where we had had such a laugh and grabbed a shower and wanted to sleep but it did n't happen, now there is a suprise NOT! Think it was finally about 2am before I slept.
Food on the menu today was
Breakfast Banana and Fat free yoghurt and a coffee
Lunch Tuna salad with Heinz lowest fat salad cream.
Dinner Jacket potato with Beans, melon and grapes.
Snacks 1 Alpen light bar (HEX B) Small amount Roast Chicken (HEX B)
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