Monday 19th of April
Super Speed Food is the name of the game this week. I had a fantastic weight loss last week and I'm sure some of it is down to me eating lots of super speed food - actually I probably ate about 5 kilos of strawberries so i've continued that - obviously without the cream but dipping them in vanilla fat free yoghurt softened the blow and dipping them in splenda sugar is yummy too. Problem with strawberries is stocks are running low!! I thank you NOT Mr bloody Volcano! How dare you be so inconsiderate as to stop flights being able to get our strawberry supplies to us - ok probably not as drastic as the thousands of people that are stranded all over the world but just as distressing for me (I kid you not) I want big juicy fat red strawberries like I was getting last week not thse pathetic tiddly ones I'm seeing. Grrrrr maybe I'll need to find another super speed food to snack on until Mr volcano stops his silly tricks and supplies start flowing again. Oh yeah the season is just starting for british strawberries but the ones around at the moment do not seem half as nice looking as the morrocan ones.
I made no attempt today to change the evening snacking issue :( I snacked on all healthy things and healtny extras but I still need to get it under control..... Inshallah tomorrow!!
Tuesday 20th April
So today is a new day and new tactics are long over due - I woke up and started cleaning, nothing new there, infact I did n't stop all day long, again thats nothing new either but I did change what I ate. I did n't get breakfast though, need to fix that but I sometimes feel that if I start eating early I won't stop so the later I start eating the less hours there are in the day to continue eating - I guess you have to be a fat person to understand that! Lunch time was different - did n't have my usual beans and mash, made up a batch of pasta with a nice tomato sauce and grated a little cheese over it - managed to eat about half of it and saved the rest for later - the intelligence behind that is this - I mostly chose to eat things that are easily digested and quickly digested so that I can, with out any pain or feeling uncomfortable, go on to eat more things after it (this is due to my gastric bypass, we have proper foods and slider foods, I tend to stick to slider foods.) I do this cause I want to be able to snack on things later. Soooooo by having non slider foods it limits me to what I can then go on to eat later - proper food sticks in my tummy much much longer which means then I cant go on a munchie cause if I do, I'll be ill as it will over load my tummy, are we following? Trust me when I say there is method in my madness :P The truth is in the eating as per say, after I had my pasta, I ate nothing at all for 4 hours, then had a coffee and a banana followed by dinner at 6pm of more pasta. In theory this should mean that I won't eat anything now till 10pm and I will have to snack much less. I'll keep you posted and see what happens this evening :P
I'm still not happy about the strawberry situation, they look even worse today although I managed to pick up 4 boxes that looked half way decent, the other boxes looked like something was alive inside them and that they could actually get up and walk way themselves. I cut up some pineapple and water melon too so when I do want to snack, cause I know I will I'll have the fruit ready made - actually I do that every day. Take last night for example - I snacked on 2 hifi bars, thats ok, 2 hb choice, 2 alpen light bar, 3 sins each, a skinny cow icelolly 4.5 sins, strawberries and fat free yoghurt. All good healthy things and nothing to worry about but I need to cut it down.
Ok off to sort out the kitchen from dinner and then get upstairs for an early shower and chill out in bed!
oooo and while I remember, I talked myself out of going to weight today - I was thinking of driving over to boots to weigh after I dropped Haydar at nursery but I decided against it :) Want this to be a full week with no weigh in. Thats a really hard thing for me to do to be honest, it takes alot for me to not stand on those scales cause the thought of gowing to group and having put on or stayed the same scares the hell out of me. Thats something I need to get over other wise join scale abuse anonymous!
Wednesday 21st April
Oh my word, what a day!! It was non stop from morning till night! I literally did n't stop. I decided today was the day to sort out the kids room - everything that getes me moving can help my weightloss hmmmmmm it was one of those occasions where you wish you had n't started. I managed to get Jamals room done in about an hour and it did n't help that Haydar had PMT and was every where and every where as long as he was in my arms!
I was talking yesterday about having a scale obsession. What did I do today hmmm I nipped to boots and weighed. I'm so bloody stupid, maybe its all this fruit and veg thats getting to my brain. As it was, it was totally pathetic and if I worked it out right, cause SW scales weigh about 7 or 8lbs heavier than them, and according to that I've gained a few pounds!! What the hell, I've been so good this week that I can't possibly see how that can be - guess I'll do what I should have done and left my weigh in till group tomorrow evening.
So night time snacking - today was so busy I only managed to grab a small snack around 4pm and some riveta minis, just did n't have time for more and I tackled the twin boys room in the evening so was n't until about 10pm when I was ablel to grab a shower and snack on some strawberries, couple of bananas, a hifi bar and two alpen light bars with some fat free yoghurt. All good things but still a bit too much. Today just was n't a good day to stop the snacks. Boys being boys and all that, could have strangled them today!
Right, its 1am and I'm off to catch some well earned zzzZZZZzzzz
Thursday 22nd April
Weigh in day today - I was really worried about it cause I thought I'd gained this week, due to me heading off to boots yesterday. Whohooooo I lost 4 1/2 pounds!! Go me yeah yeah yeah , can't you tell l'm pleased :P Thats a total of 2 stone 3 pounds in 5 and a half weeks. I can't wait to lose a bit more so that I can actually notice. Time will tell and show all, I have patience I really do :P
I was chatting to a few ladies at the fat club today and we were talking aboout chocolate and its dangers - They too are of the opinion that if you have a bar of chocolate you have come off you diet - I can imagine myself rocking in a corner if I was desperate and there was no way that I could get any - I'd probably need a straight jacket too. Bless my poor husband, I've told him not to allow me to have any chocolate but he's such a softie I only have to talk to him and give him the look and he decides its probably in his best interest to get me chocolate - actually for him its probably the worst of two evils - If he did n't get it I'm end up screaming at him, 'give me the bloody choclate - rather like an inmate in a high security hosptal and if he did n't give it me he'd probably stay out for the night for his own safety. When a woman is in serious need of chocoate then its advisable for the husband to bring her some. Mind you if I gained weight cause of eating the chocolate I'd probably strangle him! No win situation, like I care, thats what men are here for!!
I'm starting to used to this healthy living programme - its like its always been like that but i've never stuck to a programme as much as I have done this time, inshallah I'll keep being this positive.
Energy, Energy, Energy - Wow I've much more than I had before - I know its small steps but I can see some changes in what I do - I'm doing much more house work and going up and down the stairs quite alot during the day time, All these things are positive changes and I'm hoping its a life long change.
Off to sleep now, night night my ladies xxx
Friday 23rd April
Today was a hard day! I stick by the idea that if I eat early in the morning I tend to want to eat more and more and today was one of those days! Snacking has been on my mind all day but I've managed to resist but it has been very difficult - is n't it weird how we have days like this, dont know why it happened but it did but I've got through it so I'ms giving myself a good old pat on the back for achieving this much.
I've noticed that since I've started on the 'healthy' living programme I seem to think about food all the time. If I'm not thinking about it, I'm talking about and if I'm not talking about it I'm cooking it and if I'm not cooking it I'm buying!! Food Food Food. I sometimes wish there was no such thing as food - would n't life be so much easier and more simplier if we did n't have to eat and had to for example have one pill a day that gave us all the nutrition and calories etc that we need or a daily injection - very extreme but think of the problems it would solve - world wide obesity wiped out, no people dying from starvation or working their arses off for a few grains of rice a day - yeah I have weirddddddddddd ideas and half of them I could n't even put on a page cause the men in white coats would be running after me rather quickly.
I've been on a mission today to try to find out the meaning of something - its something I've heard so many times and have never understood what it meant and I'm still none the wiser - did n't really want to be asking people what it meant and the one person I felt comfortable asking did nt know either lol - what does it mean when someone says so and so is really anal?????Does it have a link to the obvious (_Y_) or is it not even linked to bottoms? If any one wants to share its meaning with me then plz do, its something I've wanted to know for years and when people have said it I've always nodded like I understood and agreed lmao
Hubby has just come home with bloody pizza!! Its not something that I lust after but right now it smells so dam good. I've just had a tiny bit of crust tut tut and am now going to tuck into, wait for it, beans and mash!! Now there's a suprise hey :P
With that, I bid you all good night xxx
Saturday 24th April
Going out for the day and sticking to the plan is always difficult so I think I did quite well today - went to visit my close friend in Manchester with the kids and hubby in tow. Did help that she is following the plan aswell so was really good and she made some rice without oil for us both and some chicken marinated in spices but cooked without the skin etc. The plan was to do an Extra Easy today but I'm not sure I did that but I did n't go mad and was quite controlled, did n't even have a lick of an icecream while all the kids and hubbies sat infront of us in the park and polished off two boxes of cornettos!
Strangely for me it was n't sweet stuff that tested me today - it was samosas! My friend makes the most delicious samosas, they are different to normal samosas and I admit, I had one and finished the final mouthful of my sons too :P so not sure of the syns values of those - I'm sure its something so high I don't even want to think about it so I'm not! I dont use most of my syns during the week so nothing I ate today will take me over the 105 limit. MMmmMMM trying to think what else I had that was a bit on the naughty side - mmMMmmm Biryani - was so nice, only had 4 table spoons of oil in the whole dish and she cooked enough to feed the army so the small amount that I had would nt have been very many syns at all. MmMMM greek youghurt - cumcumber mint and garlic!! Yummy and worth the syns I'm sure. Anyway we had a great day so I'm not worried, its not often we go out for the day like that so its all good.
Tomorrow is another day so will just reign myself in and be a bit more strict for the rest of the week and hopefully will have a good weight loss to show for my efforts.
Sunday 25th April
Lordy Lordy!! I did n't stop all day today, it was non stop from the minute I got up till around 9.30pm - Washing, Ironing and made the mistake of deciding to sort out Haydar's room and wardrobes, it took me hours - I never knew that one little boy could have so much stuff! Well at least it is all organised now and I've got all the clothes that were too small for him out and put things in much better places - well one side effect of being so busy was I did n't have time to eat - not always a good thing but I did have a bit of a munch in the evening but no way near what I should have had.
My energy levels seem to be constantly increasing! I'm not complaining but I'm not actually able to sit on my bum for long periods of time, keep thinking of things to do and places to clean - not that its a bad thing, the more I move the more I lose so long may it continue.
I meant to write about my car parking experience on Saturday - was really embarrassing but highly amusing to my friend and husband lol - I was traumatised but hey life goes on - we were trying to park in the carpark of the park where we were taking the kids to play - it was extremely busy and the only space was an extrememly tight one - the guy coming out of it had a much smaller car and here I was trying to get my huge people carrier in it - suffice to say I actually gave up half way through trying to park as I could n't get in or out and was well and truely stuck (in my mind of course) I was too scared to move the car forwards or backwards cause I thought I was going to hit either the car next to me or the one behind me - quick call to hubby who ran over and rescued me lol - the kurdish guy in the car a few rows down thought he was helping by telling me it was so simple to get it out and the fact that hubby did a quick manouver and the car was in the space - men don't you just bloody hate them when they are better at things than we are!!!!
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